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MSN Entertainment just released Kim Linekin’s list of best and worst adaptations of beloved children’s books.

I was glad to see Iron Giant make the list under the “best” category, annoyed to see Stardust included under the “worst” category, and greatly puzzled by the inclusion of The Princess Bride.

Though I don’t consider Stardust a children’s novel, I can sort of see why someone would think of it as such (it started off as a comic book and, no matter how far the medium comes, there will always be people who assume comic book = kids).

But I can’t understand why The Princess Bride is on the list. While the book can definitely be enjoyed by children (assuming they make it through the 40 page introduction), I’ve never considered it a children’s book. In fact, in all the years I’ve been buying copies (I’ve gone through several and have given it frequently as a gift), I’ve always picked it up in Literature in Fiction.

This isn’t a slam against kid lit (I frequently write and read YA), merely a case of bafflement.

So I’ll ask you: Princess Bride? Kid lit or adult lit? (Either way, it’s great)