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Every so often, I’ll log onto Absolute Write and see a new thread bemoaning the unfairness of the publishing industry. New authors aren’t published, someone will write. Agents aren’t interested if you don’t have publishing credits. No MFA? No freaking chance!

I’ll be honest. Getting an agent is something of a minor miracle. The query process is hard and grueling. There are far more unpublished hopefuls than empty bookshelves and basic math skills tell you that the odds are tough (not impossible, just tough). Nathan Bransford once compared writing a book to spending a year crafting a lottery ticket and he wasn’t far off.

That’s not to say you can’t or won’t get an agent. My astrologist assures me that my chances are very good when the 18th moon of Jupiter is in the 7th quadrant of Saturn’s orbit—provided this occurs on a Sunday just after I’ve spotted Johnny Depp wandering down 5th avenue in a leprechaun costume.
If we want to see more books from first time writers on shelves, we can (and should) buy more first books. Supply meet demand—I’m sure the two of you will be best friends.

There are wonderful books being published from first-time writers of all ages and backgrounds. Let’s declare October First-Time Authors month*. If you’ve read a great first novel lately, leave a comment with the title and author. Come October, try to by at least one first-time novel. They’ve beaten the odds, let’s give them some recognition.

* No. I was not a cheerleader in high school.

— Update —

Kelly Meding’s first novel, Three Days to Dead will be released in November of this year. She graciously shared a list of first time writers with current or upcoming releases:

Jaye Wells, Nicole Peeler, Kelly Gay, Nancy Holzner, Diana Rowland, Linda Robertson, Aprilynne Pike, Carrie Ryan, Jill Myles, Megan Crewe, Molly Harper

Be sure to check the comments for more upcomming reads.